G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Talal Darwish

Talal Darwish

Former Director National Center for Remote Sensing, Lebanon

Dr. Darwish was a Researcher at the National Council for Scientific Research since 1980. In 1996 was promoted to Senior Researcher and in 2006 was promoted to the position Director of Research CNRS and appointed as Director of the Center for Remote Sensing CNRS until April 10, 2014. Since 1994, he has taught soil science, soil fertility and soil environmental problems at the Lebanese University. Dr. Darwish has supervised more than fifty Master and Ph D students. Between 2017 and 2020, he was the contact person of IHE-Delft, Netherlands/FAO project on water accounting and water productivity in agriculture. He has published more than 84 papers in refereed journals, 26 chapters in books and 94 refereed proceedings on soil mapping, soil salinity, soil pollution, efficiency of fertilizer and water application, management of water resources in view of CC, water scarcity and drought, land degradation and desertification.