G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Abdelmagid Ali Elmobarak

Abdelmagid Ali Elmobarak

Soil Expert -Classification and Evaluation

Abdoul Aziz Sidibe

Abdoul Aziz Sidibe

Operations Officer, The Soil Solution

Abdul Rahim Loulou

Abdul Rahim Loulou

Technical Advisor to the Director General, ASCAD

Abdulhadi Achakzai

Abdulhadi Achakzai

Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Environmental Protection Trainings and Development Organization (EPTDO)

Adewumi Owolabi

Adewumi Owolabi

Managing Director, Aerobic Agroforestry Limited

Adithyan Puthen Veettil

Adithyan Puthen Veettil

Former Intern, G20 Global Land Initiative

Adrian Haagner

Adrian Haagner

Director, Agreenco Environmental Projects

Ahmad Alneami

Ahmad Alneami

General Manager of Technology and Digital Transformation Department, NCVC

Ahmed Alzaharani

Ahmed Alzaharani

Deputy Minister, Skills, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, Saudi Arabia

Akram Al Balkhi

Akram Al Balkhi

Director of Land Management and Water Use, ASCAD

Alexey V. Alekseenko

Alexey V. Alekseenko


Alfie Devine-Wright

Alfie Devine-Wright

Former Intern, G20 Global Land Initiative

Allen Ottaro

Allen Ottaro

Founder and Executive Director, Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa

Alperen Ozturk

Alperen Öztürk

President, IAAS World

Amanda Abrom

Amanda Abrom

Director, Global Schools Program, Sustainable Development Solutions Network

Ana Di Pangracio

Ana Di Pangracio

Deputy Director, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Ananya S Rao

Ananya S Rao

Senior Scientist, Heartfulness Institute

Andreas Brink

Andreas Brink

Senior Scientific and Technical Project Officer, Joint Research Centre - European Commission

Andres Bisono Leon

Andres Bisono Leon

Founder & CEO, SOS Carbon

Andy Appiah-Kubi

Andy Appiah-Kubi

Member of the Parliament, Republic of Ghana

Angela Churie Kallhauge

Angela Churie Kallhauge

Executive Vice President, Impact, Environmental Defense Fund

Animesh Kumar

Animesh Kumar

Head of Office in Bonn, UNDRR

Anna-Marie Lawrence

Anna-Marie Lawrence

Technical Specialist Skills, ILO

Apoorva Bose

Apoorva Bose

Programme Coordinator, G20 Global Land Initiative

Arthur Oosthuizen

Arthur Oosthuizen

Head, Sustainability Department, Ivanplats

Audrey Nyarai Nyazika

Audrey Nyarai Nyazika

Environmental Planning and Management Officer, Government of Zimbabwe

Battsetseg Banzragch

Battsetseg Banzragch

Youth Negotiator, Mongolia

COP16 – full

Beatrice Akinyi Oyomo

Member of the Parliament, Kenya

Bochola Sara Arero

Bochola Sara Arero

Co-Founder, Africa Youth Pastoralist Initiative

Brinda Dewan

Brinda Dewan

Senior Nature Interpreter, Wildlife Conservation Nepal

Caio Sartorelo Franco

Caio Sartorelo Franco

Head of Public Policy, Mombak

Carl Lens

Carl Lens

Head of Digital Regreening, Justdiggit

Carmen Fabiola Nava Gonzalez

Carmen Fabiola Nava Gonzalez

Stakeholder Engagement Intern, G20 Global Land Initiative

Carol Chouchani Cherfane

Carol Chouchani Cherfane

Cluster Lead Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster, ESCWA

Carolina Sampaio Machado

Carolina Sampaio Machado

Head of Institutional Development, Instituto Terra

Charles Ian McNeill

Charles Ian McNeill

Senior Fellow, Meridian Institute

Chimegsaikhan Munkhbayar

Chimegsaikhan Munkhbayar

Co-founder and CEO, Nomads Agritech Innovations

Chris Armitage

Chris Armitage

Co-founder and CEO, Global Evergreening Alliance

Christian Adoh

Christian Adoh

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Bio Planet

Coovi Thomas Woinsou

Coovi Thomas Woinsou

UNCCD Alternate Focal Point, General Directorate of Water, Forests and Hunting, Benin Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development

Cristal Ange

Cristal Ange

General Director, Fundacion Herencia Ambiental Caribe (Caribbean Environmental Heritage Foundation)

Crystal Davis

Crystal Davis

Global Director of the Food, Land & Water Program, World Resources Institute

Danie Otto

Danie Otto

Technical Discipline Manager - Closure and Rehabilitation Africa, Land Rehabilitation Society of Southern Africa VP

Daniel Pacurar

Daniel Pacurar

Founder and Executive Chairman, Boreal Orchards AB

Darren Hey

Darren Hey

Project Coordinator, Permaculture Research Institute

David L. Hoover

David L. Hoover

Ecohydrologist, USDA-ARS Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit

Deema Abu Thiab

Deema Abu Thiab

ational Programme Coordinator, UN-Habitat, Jordan

Dennis Pulimittathu

Dennis Pulimittathu

Senior Expert – Private Sector Engagement and Post-Mining Restoration Initiatives, G20 Global Land Iniaitive

Devashree Niraula

Devashree Niraula

Research and Outreach Specialist, G20 Global Land Initiative

Dinesh Suna

Dinesh Suna

Programme Executive, Land, Water and Food Advocacy, World Council of Churches

COP16 – full

Ebenezer Odoi

GIS Developer, UNCCD G20 Global Land Initiative

Ebrima Jarra

Ebrima Jarra

Executive Director, The Soil Solution

Elena Doms

Elena Doms


COP16 – full

Erkan Guler


Fabian Rackelmann

Fabian Rackelmann

Research Associate, Ecosystem Vulnerability and Ecosystem Services

Fadji Maina

Fadji Maina

Associate Research Scientiest, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Farideh Yarahmadi

Farideh Yarahmadi

Head of Land Regeneration, C-Biotech/Earth+

Felicitas Belker

Felicitas Belker

Youth Engagement Consultant, G20 Global Land Initiative

Fernando De Lucca Pezella Moreno

Fernando De Lucca Pezella Moreno

Founder and Chief Communications Officer, Ceres Seeding

Fidaa Fawwaz Haddad

Fidaa Fawwaz Haddad

Senior Programme Officer, FAO

Fiona Flintan

Fiona Flintan

Senior Scientist, Rangelands & Pastoralism, International Livestock Research Institute

Gemma Sutherland

Gemma Sutherland

Consultant, Water for West Africa

George Saade

George Saade

Civil Environmental and WASH Engineer, UN-Habitat Lebanon

Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi

Gertrude Kabusimbi Kenyangi

Executive Director, Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

Gilles Amadou Ouedraogo

Gilles Amadou Ouédraogo

Programme Management Officer, UNCCD

Gregory Hess

Gregory Hess

CEO, Tree Global

Gwyn Watson

Gwyn Watson

Global Engagement Lead, Restor

Hadeer Elgendy

Hadeer Elgendy

PhD Student, University of the West of England

Hwirin Kim

Hwirin Kim

Head of Hydrological and Water Resources Division, WMO

Ihab Jnad

Ihab Jnad

Head of Water Resources, ACSAD

Ingrid Teich

Ingrid Teich

Senior Scientist, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern

Ismahane Elouafi

Ismahane Elouafi

Executive Managing Director, CGIAR

Iyenemi Ibimina Kakulu

Iyenemi Ibimina Kakulu

Senior Project Advisor, UNEP

James Amponsah

James Amponsah

Research Fellow, Earth Care Ghana

Joab Osumba

Joab Osumba

Policy and Agriculture Lead, Adaptation Consortium

Joann Lee

Joann Lee

Programme Officer, G20 Global Land Initiative

Joao Campari

Joao Campari

Global Leader, Food and Agriculture Practice, WWF International

John Kioli

John Kioli

Exective Director, Green Africa Foundation

John Miller

John Miller

Co-Founder, africanDRONE

Josef Garvi

Josef Garvi

CEO, Sahara Sahel Foods

Juan Uriol Batuecas

Juan Uriol Batuecas

Head of Forest Planning and Management Service, Generalitat Valenciana

Julia Mensa

Julia Mensa

Youth Ecopreneur

Julian Fox

Julian Fox

Forester, Australia

Juliano Ribeiro Salgado

Juliano Ribeiro Salgado

President, Instituto Terra

Kamal Kishore

Kamal Kishore

Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction, UN

Kamanzi Claudine

Kamanzi Claudine

Restoration Steward 2024, Global Landscapes Forum

Karen Sudmeier-Rieux ​

Karen Sudmeier-Rieux ​

Environmental Education Outreach Specialist, G20 Global Land Iniative

Khaled Sharbatly

Khaled Sharbatly

CEO, Desert Technologies

Kwang Seok Yoon

Kwang Seok Yoon

Senior Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology

Lauro Rossi

Lauro Rossi

Program Director, CIMA Research Foundation

Lewanne Carminati

Lewanne Carminati

CFO, Sylvania PLatinum Limited

Lewis Smith

Lewis Smith

Senior Business Developer and Fundraising Manager, Justdiggit

Lilan Dayananda

Lilan Dayananda

CEO, Elzian Agro

Lorenza Contin

Lorenza Contin

Research Associate, G20 Global Land Initiative

Luisa Fernanda Castro Benavides

Luisa Fernanda Castro Benavides

Former Intern, G20 Global Land Initiative

Manish Parmar

Manish Parmar

Scientist, Space Applications Centre of Indian Space Research Organisation

Manuel Felipe Olmos Munevar

Manuel Olmos Munevar

Cofounder and COO, The Ecosystem Carbon Conservation

Manyewu Mutamba

Manyewu Mutamba

Head of Agriculture, AUDA-NEPAD

Maria Degania Medina Vidal

María Degania Medina Vidal

Policy Officer, Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge - Spain

Maria Rother

Maria Rother

Research Associate, G20 Global Land Initiative

COP16 – full

Mariem Cheyakh

Researcher, National Center of Oncology, University of Nouakchott

Mark Sultan Gersava

Mark Sultan Gersava


Martina Fleckenstein

Martina Fleckenstein

Global Policy Director, Food, WWF International

Martina Sikawa

Martina Sikawa

CEO, Chemolex Company Limited

Maryanne Gichanga

Maryanne Gichanga

CEO & Co-founder, AgriTech Analytics Ltd

Mauricio Camacho Suarez

Mauricio Camacho Suarez

Founder & CEO, Junglo

Maxime Souvignet

Maxime Souvignet

Climate Risk Analytics Team Lead, UNU-EHS

Mensa Aboudou

Mensa Aboudou

UNCCD Focal Point, Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources, Togo

Mette Grangaard Lund

Mette Grangaard Lund

Just Transition Specialist, ILO

Mikail Haruna Daya

Mikail Haruna Daya

Founder, Drylands Initiative for Ecosystem Restoration and Capacity Building (DINERCAB)

Mohamed Abd salam El Vilaly

Mohamed Abd salam El Vilaly

Programme Officer Information Management, G20 Global Land Initiative

Mohamed Halake

Mohamed Halake

Director, Ardha Jabesa Foundation

Mohammed Al-Khalid

Mohammed Al-Khalid

Founder and CEO, Netzero

Mrinalini Rai

Mrinalini Rai

Found/Executive Director, Women4Biodiversity

Muralee Thummarukudy

Muralee Thummarukudy

Director, G20 Global Land Initiative

Musonda Mumba

Musonda Mumba

Secretary General, Convention on Wetlands

Nakul Parsad

Nakul Prasad

Project Officer, WMO

Nancy Barisoa

Nancy Barisoa

Youth Intern, Global Landscapes Forum

Naser Edin Al Obeid

Naser Edin Al Obeid

Director General, ACSAD

Natalia Alekseeva

Natalia Alekseeva

Coordinator, UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, UNEP

Nestor Dèhouindji

Nestor Dèhouindji

Regional Office Manager, Global Shea Alliance

Niclas Gottmann

Niclas Gottmann

Policy Officer for Land and Environment, European Commission, DG INTPA

Nicole Lantz

Nicole Lantz

Technical Specialist - Environmental, UNDP

Ousmane Seidou

Ousmane Seidou

Director, Hydraulics Lab, University of Ottowa

Pasang Dolma Sherpa

Pasang Dolma Sherpa

Executive Director, Center for Indigenous Peoples' Research and Development (CIPRED)

Paul LUU

Paul LUU

Executive Secretary, 4 per 1000 initiative

Paula Padrino Vilela

Paula Padrino Vilela

Associate Programme Management Officer, G20 Global Land Initiative

Phillip Dunn

Phillip Dunn

Senior Manager, Sustainability, Education & Culture, Expo City Dubai

Priscilla Brasil

Priscilla Brasil

Director and Executive Producer, Companhia Amazonica de Filmes

Rafah Alkhatib

Rafah Alkhatib

Technology Solutions and Innovation Manager, Red Sea Global

Richard Appiah

Richard Appiah

Business Development Manager, Sommalife

COP16 – full

Robyn Mellett

Founder & CEO, OMI Solutions

Rokiatou Traoré

Rokiatou Traoré

CEO, Herou Alliance

Ronald Jackson

Ronald Jackson

Head of Disaster Risk Reduction, Recovery and Resilience Building Team, Crisis Bureau at the United Nations Development Programme

Rosa Margarita Villafaña

Rosa Margarita Villafaña

Spokesperson, Cabildo Arhuaco

Sajid Pareeth

Sajid Pareeth

Director, Water & Climate, Education & Culture, Expo City Dubai

Salem Darwich

Salem Darwich

Advisor to Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Lebanon

Salina Abraham

Salina Abraham

Chief of Staff to the CEO, CIFOR-ICRAF

Sandhya Balasubrahmanyam

Sandhya Balasubrahmanyam

Learning Portfolio Manager, UNSSC

Sara Meush

Sara Meush

Senior Landscape Architect, AtkinsRéalis

Sean DeWitt

Sean DeWitt

Director of Restoration, World Resources Institute

Shabaz Mushtaq

Shabaz Mushtaq

Professor of Agricultural Economics and Finance, University of Southern Queensland

Shadi Alqaisi

Shadi Alqaisi

Modern Agricultural Technique Specialist, Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)

Shiko Kebonte

Shiko Kebonte

Head of Sustainability, Ivanhoe Mines Kipuhsi Corpororation

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Sidi Mohamed Kaem

President, National Federation of Gold Factories FENOR

Sriram Raghavendran

Sriram Raghavendran

Head, Agri Center of Excellence, Heartfulness Institute

Sunday Geofrey Mbofoambe

Sunday Geofrey Mbofoambe

Executive Coordinator, Support Humanity Cameroon

Susan Chomba

Susan Chomba

Director of Vital Landscapes for Africa, World Resources Institute (WRI)

Talal Darwish

Talal Darwish

Former Director National Center for Remote Sensing, Lebanon

Tara Shyam

Tara Shyam

Director, Regen10

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UN Decade on Ecosystems Restoration 2021-2030
UNCCD COP16 Riyadh 2024