G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Sriram Raghavendran

Sriram Raghavendran

Head, Agri Center of Excellence, Heartfulness Institute

As ‘Head, Agri Center of Excellence’ at the Heartfulness Institute, Sriram Raghavendran is pioneering the adoption of Biochar in Agriculture in the villages of India to permanently improve soil fertility, improve crop yield and farmer’s income. In his capacity as the Director, Heartfulness Institute, he is closely involved in shaping the strategy and direction of Forests by Heartfulness.
Sriram has held several leadership roles in the IT Industry globally for two decades, across the areas Strategy, Consulting and Transformation Delivery. He is currently the Head-Innovation at Samunnati, India’s largest Agri-Ecosystems player, which works with 6,700 Farmer producer Organizations with a network of 3 million farmers.