G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Paul LUU

Paul LUU

Executive Secretary, 4 per 1000 initiative

Paul LUU is an agronomist specialized in tropical agronomy, graduate from AgroParisTech, the Institute of tropical areas of Montpellier, the National High School of Agricultural Applied Sciences of Dijon, and the University of Montpellier (PhD in “population biology”).
From September 2016, Paul LUU is Executive Secretary of the “4 per 1000 Initiative: Soils for food security and climate”, launched at COP 21 in Paris and hosted by the CGIAR System Office until December 2020, then by the Alliance Bioversity International – CIAT from 1st January 2021.

Paul is the author of the book “Farmers have the Earth in their hands” published by La Butineuse. Paul LUU is married (two children) and is fond of environment and nature (flora and fauna) both terrestrial and marine.