G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Pasang Dolma Sherpa

Pasang Dolma Sherpa

Executive Director, Center for Indigenous Peoples' Research and Development (CIPRED)

Pasang Dolma Sherpa, Executive Director, CIPRED has been working with Indigenous Peoples, Women and Local Communities for the recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge, cultural values and customary institutions that contributed for sustainable management of forest, ecosystem, biodiversity and climate resilience for more than a decade. She has obtained her PhD at Kathmandu University in 2018 on Climate Change Education and its Interfaces with Indigenous Knowledge. She has served as Co-Chair of International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC), Co-Chair of Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples’ Platform (LCIPP) of the UNFCCC, to the board of UN-REDD, Participant Committee of FCPF, World Bank. Presently, she is the Chair of IUCN CEESP Specialist Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Customary and Environmental Laws and Human Rights (SPICEH), visiting faculty at Kathmandu University as well as representing in the different forums, networks and institutions both at national and international levels.