G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Luisa Fernanda Castro Benavides

Luisa Fernanda Castro Benavides

Former Intern, G20 Global Land Initiative

Luisa Fernanda Castro currently holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering with a specialization in hydraulic. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Integrated Water Resources Management focused on the Middle East and North Africa – MENA – one of the most vulnerable regions to water scarcity, at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences – TH Köln in Cologne Germany. Luisa is currently developing her research on reservoir sedimentation in Jordan.

Thanks to a complete and diverse experience in environmental regulatory compliance in the private mining and oil and gas sector in Colombia, she has dedicated herself to the application of geographic information systems for the management of natural resources. Luisa is passionate about modeling water resources, predicting climate change, quantifying the impacts of land degradation, and understanding community-environment relationships.