G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Juan Uriol Batuecas

Juan Uriol Batuecas

Head of Forest Planning and Management Service, Generalitat Valenciana

Juan Uriol Batuecas is Head of Forest Planning and Management Service with extensive experience in forest management (he has directed the Forestry Department of the Generalitat in the years 1996 – 2003 and 2018 -2024). He has also been a professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and has participated in European INTERREG, COST and LIFE projects, including the Life Tecmine project.

Within the field of forest management, he has experience in the sustainable management of forest resources, erosion control and the fight against desertification, conservation, defense and hydrological-forestry restoration, and the planning and management of the sustainable public use of forests, among others.

He has a degree in Forestry Engineering with a specialization in forest industries and has several masters related to business management and occupational risk prevention. He has participated in several national and European congresses, and is the author of several publications related to forestry.