G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Coovi Thomas Woinsou

Coovi Thomas Woinsou

UNCCD Alternate Focal Point, General Directorate of Water, Forests and Hunting, Benin Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development

Coovi Thomas Woinsou has been a civil servant in the General Directorate of Water, Forests and Hunting within the Benin Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development since 2004. He has successively been Head of Water, Forests and Hunting for several municipalities across Benin, Head of Forest Economy, Wood Technology and Promotion of Non-Timber Forest Products at the Forestry Research and Training Center (CERF), Head of Development of Forest Resources, and Head of the Special Forestry Brigade of Airports.

He was decorated Knight of the Order of Merit of Benin by Decree No. 2021-072 of April 17, 2021 and received congratulations from his supervisory Minister in 2022.