G20 Global Land Initiative

Meet Our Speakers

Christian Adoh

Christian Adoh

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Bio Planet

Christian Adoh is a passionate social entrepreneur and environmental advocate committed to sustainable development and social impact. Holder of Tropical Agricultural Studies Diploma with honours, he is the Co-Founder and CEO of BIO PLANET TMC Ltd, where he leads initiatives that produce quality granulated organic fertilizer from recycled biodegradable waste, supporting over 18,000 small-scale farmers across Pobè, Benin, for farmlands restoration and increased crop yields.

As an Alumnus Fellow at prestigious organizations, including the Mastercard Foundation, the Resolution Project, LEAP Africa, the Aspire Institute, and the Young African Leaders Initiative, Christian demonstrates transformational leadership in social innovation. He has actively engaged in mentoring young entrepreneurs through various programs, including the Jim Leech Mastercard Foundation Fellowship on Entrepreneurship.

Additionally, he is a member of the African Food Changemakers and has completed the Global AgriFood TechPreneur Program and Youth Ecopreneur Accelerator, where he was recognized for his contributions to sustainable agriculture.