It is with great pride that I present the second Annual Report of the G20 Global Land Initiative Coordination Office. The Global Initiative on Reducing Land Degradation and Enhancing Conservation of Terrestrial Habitats, (henceforth referred to as Global Land Initiative or GLI), which aims to prevent, halt, and reverse land degradation, was launched by the G20 Leaders during the Saudi Arabia Presidency of the G20 in November 2020. It reflects the shared ambition of the G20 Members to achieve a 50 per cent reduction of degraded land by 2040, on a voluntary basis, including through building on existing initiatives.
The G20 Global Land Initiative Coordination Office (ICO) was set up in April 2022 at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). UNCCD oversees the work of ICO, and the latter receives guidance from a Steering Committee comprising representatives appointed by the G20 member, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), UNCCD and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).
During its first year of existence, the Global Land Initiative strategy was developed and staff recruitment commenced. ICO was represented at the Conference of Parties of the three Rio Conventions held in 2022, namely, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), UNCCD and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). ICO also established its online presence through websites and social media channels.
The India Presidency kept the G20 goal of preventing, halting and reversing land degradation on the G20 Agenda in 2023, focusing on areas affected by mining as well as forest fires. A number of side events were organized on these topics and two compendia of best practices were prepared during the Presidency, with ICO supporting and working closely with the India Presidency. The G20 Leaders’ Declaration issued in September 2023 reiterates the commitment to a 50 per cent reduction in degraded land by 2040.
The G20 Global Land Initiative Steering Committee met twice; in July 2023 and November 2023. The Committee agreed to initiate a number of foundational studies to understand the current landscape of restoration and prepare a blueprint for the restoration initiative.
GLI started to implement its strategy in earnest in 2023. The team recruitment for ICO was completed, and now has a truly international team, a majority of whom are young people. ICO finalized more than 10 operational partnerships with the UN, universities and other non-governmental institutions. It also established partnerships with the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (UNDER), The Global Peatland Initiative, Global Mangrove Initiative and the Partnership for Ecosystem and Disaster Risk Reduction. In addition, the Global Land Initiative was assigned to lead the activities under the “Land Challenge” of the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
The delivery of mandated outputs under the GLI commenced in full swing during 2023, with the launch of the Global Restoration Information Hub. The Hub brings together publicly reported information on restoration commitments, best practices, community practices, restoration actors and legislation. ICO, in collaboration with the United Nations System Staff College launched a flagship training programme for parliamentarians, the Global Changemaker Academy for Parliamentarians. ICO, in a collaboration with the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), also launched a training program for mining industry professionals to address restoration of areas degraded by mining. A third program on the use of bio-saline agriculture for land restoration was completed with the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA).
ICO, in collaboration with 18 other partner institutions, initiated an ambitious program to mainstream land restoration in curricula in agricultural universities around the world. Similar programs are planned in forestry, mining and urban planning.
ICO embarked on an initiative to recognize young entrepreneurs who are using land restoration as a platform for start-ups. It collaborated with the International Trade Center (ITC) on the global competition for youth ecopreneurs, which included submissions from young people around the world with innovative Start-ups in land restoration. Three enterpreneurs were recognized during the ITCs annual conference in June in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
As part of its focus on young people, ICO, partnered in October 2023 with the Global Landscape Forum to co-host a youth forum in Nairobi, Kenya.
The year concluded with enhanced participation of the ICO at the Twenty-eighth session of the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP28). For the first time in the history of the UNFCCC CoPs, a pavilion was devoted to the issues of land restoration and drought resilience. Ten side events, organized with 12 partners, focused on land restoration from different perspectives.
The year 2024 promises to be exciting for the land restoration agenda. ICO will work with the Brazil Presidency of the G20 to organize side events on Land Restoration. The World Environment Day 2024 will focus on the topic of land restoration and the G20 Global Land Initiative is working on a number of awareness-raising activities. In December 2024, Saudi Arabia will host the Sixteenth session of the Conference of Parties (COP 16) to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, which again will put significant emphasis on land restoration.